Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mayflowers Rock Plymouth

Collect Rocks Day – Geologists unite! If you don’t like rocks celebrate with Rocky Road Ice Cream!
Step-Family Day – Families that marry into families, CELEBRATE!
Mayflower Day – Mayflower set sail for America from England on this day.
Mexican Independence Day – Mexicans revolted from their ruling country Spain led by Father Miguel Hidalgo.
National Play Doh Day – Invented by Joseph McVicker for his pre-school teacher sister-in-law.
Working Parents Day – For all you parents that both work and can’t be with your kids 24/7.

1964 – Molly Shannon, Saturday Night Live comedian and actress.
1958 – Orel Hershiser, Major League Baseball pitcher who began and ended his career with the LA Dodgers.
1956 – David Copperfield, world class magician.
1949 – Ed Begley, Jr, 6’4” actor seen on screens of many sizes.
1927 – Peter Falk, Columbo actor. He also appeared in over 100 other features.
1926 – John Knowles, writer of A Separate Peace, his breakout novel.
1924 – B.B. King, blues singer and guitarist listed #3 on the Top 100 guitarists of all time behind Jimi Hendrix and Duane Allman.
1924 – Betty Joan Perske, actress seen in many classic films including How to Marry a Millionaire using the name Lauren Bacall.
1832 – George Washington Custis Lee, future General for the Confederate States of America and son of Robert E. and Mary Custis Lee.

1977 – Maria Callas, the first opera star dubbed “La Divina” or “diva” meaning goddess, died at the age of 53.
1932 – Gandhi began a fast protesting caste separation in the Indian government as proclaimed by the ruling British.
1908 – General Motors was incorporated by William Durant, head of Buick Motor Company.
1893 – An official of the US Government shot a gun into the air opening the land grab in Oklahoma to more than 100,000 possible settlers.
1845 – In an attempt to consolidate command after the killing of Mormon leader Joseph Smith, an alleged Christian spy named Phineas Wilcox was murdered (on order of new leader Brigham Young?) before Young moved his Mormon followers to Utah.
1620 – Heading for Virginia, The Mayflower and it 102 passengers leave Plymouth, England. In case you missed that day in history class, they landed in Massachusetts, Plymouth, Mass. Oops, the navigator should have been fired.

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