Thursday, April 2, 2015

International Children's Book Day

Today is the anniversary of Hans Christian Andersen's Birth (1805 - 1875) and International Children's Book Day. No, not a coincidence.

Hans Christian Andersen is one of my favorite writers. He was a prolific writer most known for his fairy tales, hence International Children's Book Day. My favorite is The Princess and the Pea, no, wait, The Ugly Duckling, no wait... Too many to choose just one.

I have a wonderful hardback book called Christine's Picture Book. A scrapbook of stories, cutouts and drawings that he compiled with Christine's grandfather Adolph Drewsen for the little girl's 3rd birthday.  It is a wonderful collection, that I discovered, that was not unique. The two men worked on books for all three of Drewson's grandchildren. Will have to look into getting copies of the other two. If you are interested in this book I discovered in my research today that it is available as a free download.

For a fairy tale version of Hans Christian Andersen's life, try watching the 1952 movie (of the same name) starring the Fabulous Danny Kaye!

In celebration of Int'l Children's Book Day, let's pick up a copy of H.C. Andersen's works and read to kid, or ourselves, on this wonderful day. If you can't commit to the length of a fairy tale, Seuss or Aesop might be an acceptable alternative.


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